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The name of Yahweh is a strong Tower and the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10
Services: All Spiritual Counseling and Classes are Biblically Based
Individual and Family sessions.
Drug and Substance Abuse Avoidance
Marriage/Family Planning.
Anger Management/Budgeting Classes.
Private and Group Ministry & Biblical Classes
(Seminary Level).
Assist In Pre Hire and Interview Process
Including Interview Clothing.
Assist in Obtaining Housing and Rental assistance
For Qualified Clients.
Biblical and Spiritual/Ethical Counseling
Training For Missionary Work
Feeding and Clothing of the Homeless
Hospice and Bereavement Ministers
Jail & Prison Family Connection
YAHWEH'S TOWER & VILLAGE is currently accepting Donations for all of our on going services and missions. Our immediate need is for a permanent home, which we will share with Minority Racing Association. Our Partner on this mission. We are looking for funding to take over a pre existing building. In which to continue our services to God and His people.
Thank You,
Rev. Hollis
Are you walking in your purpose for God or waiting on a sign? Read Jer 1:1-5 and Romans 8:28-30
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